Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sometimes miracles are not meant to be

For those of you whose thoughts and prayers have been with us through our mediation today, we would like to thank you, although we knew it would take a miracle to change the heart of Tracie the girls mother, we also knew that the Lord's timing is not ours and this was not to be, unfortuneately for us we will have to go through a period of time not seeing the girls as we are not willing to lower our standards and do things against our conscience just to see them. We therefore will have to put our trust in the Lord and pray for a day when prehaps hearts will be changed or circumstances will be different, until then we LOVE YOU!!!!! MACIE and CARLEE and our prayers are always with you!


Cynthia said...

Wow! They're getting so big! You all are in mine and Joey's prayers! we love you!

Shayla said...

I am sorry to hear about your struggles with the girls. It sure doesn't seem fair. I admire your willingness and ability to trust in the Lord rather than become bitter about the situation. We love you and will continue to hope for a happy ending.