Monday, September 29, 2008

7 weird things about me

Okay so like everyone else is doing this so I might as well.
1. One weird thing about me is I am a terrible speller, but I usually get all the letters of the word, just not the right order, I do the same with numbers.

2. I have this habit lately of making sound effects when I talk, one of my favorites is shika boom.

3. Also probabaly 50% of the time I get that test wrong when you have to type the letters you see in the box, before your comment will be posted. Perhaps it is time I have my eyes tested.

4. I have a nervous habit and either pick at my face or my head, you can usually tell how nervous or stressed I am by how broken out my face is.

5. I am the worlds biggest procrastinater, and thus I have been told that I work best under stress, I don't know if it is because I have had to do to many things twice (when the kids were young if I did something too early it would either get destroyed or eaten) or whether I just plain always over estimate how much I can do in the time allowed, needless to say I am found staying up late anytime I have something important to do and it is usually the night before or the day of when I finally finish.

6. I love to get to know a lot of the newer songs, but I am famous for learning the words wrong and will go months singing them that way before I am corrected.

7. I have been told by my kids that I say random things, I think Cynthia said that was a Nelson thing, but I am not sure, maybe it is just a human thing


Theresa said...

i get that words test wrong all the time too. they make the words so cryptic half the time. The whole point is just to have an image that you can get the letters from to distinguish between an automated web crawler and a real person, but whoever came up with the idea that the letters have to be skewed and distorted is retarded.

I don't procrastinate most things, I get them done because I don't want them hanging over my head, so How come I end up doing stuff last minute too? ,... (because I put off the things I don't want to do until last while still feeling like I'm getting things out of the way)

Cynthia said...

haha! Well, I guess it depends on what the random things said are.

Kerstin said...

I must get the bad spelling and procrastinating from you. Lucky for me I married someone who is botha good speller and a non procrastinator.