Thursday, July 30, 2009

The promised answer!

Last week we had a couple of scares at our house, it all started a week ago Monday when Darin and I were busy doing home improvement type stuff when Darin got this bright idea to sweep the very dirty stairs down to the cellar/crawl space, this was a good idea just not so good without a mask, unfortuneately he sucked in a lot of dust/dirty/mold and by Wednesday morning had a fever and a nasty cough, when I got home later that afternoon his fever was higher, so I took him to instant care where we found out that he had a chest infection, they didn't even bother doing a chest x-ray, but instead put him on a heavy duty antibiotic and a narcotic for his cough, by this time he was coughing up some pretty nasty yellow phlem, by Friday morning the phlem was looking like the picture in the last post, the funny thing is I knew he had this cough and in fact just before he sent me the picture he had told me that he had been coughing up some darkish stuff, but for some odd reason the only thing I could see in that picture was a ghost or a demon. As a side note on Friday morning at work I was having a bit of a head ache and touched the left top side of my head and there was this goose egg size bump on my head and it hurt to touch, the weird thing was I had not hit my head on anything and the bump was not discolored in anyway, it scared me a bit since it had not been there the day before. We went to instant care that afternoon, but the doctor was clueless and said he had know clue what was going on, but that if it didn't go away in two weeks they would do a CT scan. Well I don't have the head ache so much anymore (or I have gotten use to it) and it doesn't seem so swollen to me, but it is still there and it still hurts to touch. Needless to say it has been an interesting week and we are looking forward to a little better health! Sorry about the picture hopefully you can see the bump as it makes my head a little more squared at the top.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Can you guess what this is?

The other day I got this text from my sweet husband, when I first got it from him in the middle of the night while at work, I wondered if he had caught the image of some demon or a ghost on his phone camera. Would anyone care to guess what it might be? Watch for the real answer coming soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jumping the Hurtles!

It's been awhile since I have last wrote and like my daughter in law Shayla says sometimes I am just not in the mood to blog, I am not sure if it is because I don't feel like I have anything interesting to say or I am just to busy and tired to find the time to sit down and do it.
We have settled more into our house the past month, today we just purchased a washer and dryer, which will make our lives a whole lot easier, they will be delivered tomorrow and we will be set if I just knew the proper way to put in a dryer hood, we have the outlet, but no hole in the
wall for the exhaust, hopefully we will be able to find someone in the ward who could help us, in the meantime I guess we will be putting the exhaust hose out the window or the door.
Also today we went to court once again with Darin's Ex-wife Tracie, over the past 3 years that we have been together she has been claiming that we have been behind on our support payments, well for those of you who do not know Utah State law you are required not only to pay Child Support which is a set amount you are also required to pay 1/2 all medical and child care expenses, since these two items can be quite expensive and there is no guidelines or control over how much is spent on these items, there are months that we have been handed a bill for over $700 above and beyond the $333 that we pay in Child Support. Well to make a long story short, there were some disputes as to how much we owed her. After we inputed all the bills we had recieved from her in a spread sheet and compared it to all the monies that had been paid her it appeared we did not owe her but about 1/5 of what she was claiming. Well shortly after we put our house into escrow we recieved a summons to go to court in June, she was claiming we owed $7,450. Well part of the reason we bought our house was to take advantage of the tax credit for first time home buyers. We recieved that money in June and promptly paid her what she was asking knowing that it was above and beyond what we actually owed, we were hoping that that would make her happy and we would not have to go to court. Well she was greedy and insisted that we still go to court so she could ask for attorney fees and other stipulations, but since we were well prepared with our spread sheets the commisioner ruled in our favor and said there were no attorney fees to be paid and that she needed to be more organized and forthcoming with her bills, he also would not give her any of her other demands but in fact insisted that she must be willing to communicate with us if she wants to get paid. While this was a blessing it still felt hollow as alls we really want is to be able to get along and do what is best for the girls. We are grateful for all the prayers and felt the Lord with us, with all the disturbing experiences we have thus had with the courts, it was wonderful to deal with a man who clearly took his job seriously, you could tell that he did not take these things lightly and before he ruled he paused and put his head down for over a minute in what seemed to be perhaps a prayer for guidance, it was a wonderful experience for us.