Monday, March 30, 2009

Under the Weather

The first day of spring started out beautiful and we had tempatures in the 70's for the first time this year, even our apricot tree had started to bloom, but it was short lived when two days later we were hit with a storm, we still had hope, cuz the snow was light and the tempatures did not go lower then the 30's. this weather hung around for a couple of days last week and then finally by the weekend we were starting to warm up again and have some clear skies, we were stoked. Then when I was on my way home from work on Sunday morning at around 7am I notice the weather was awesome it was 50* and I thought to myself .....yes....spring at last, I got home and laid down for a couple of hours and got up for church to find these weather conditions before me, aproximately a foot of snow and tempatures in the 20's. As the day went on after Fasting and attending a very spiritual Testimony meeting I got contemplating the weather cycles we have been experiencing lately and found myself comparing them to my own life and the recent events. I realized a couple of things about life, First I learned that when you think that things could not possibly get any worse, the Lord shows us that they can, but along with that he shows us that with our trials come great blessings and lessons learned, perhaps the biggest one being that if we allow him to, he will help us get through anything. Second I learned that how we view life is largely on what we focus on...the good or the bad, most truly happy people recognize their trials as blessings and an opportunity to grow, while a miserable person facing the same trails may view life as unfair or themselves as a victim.
I know it has been awhile since I have posted, partially because I did not know how to express what we are experiencing without sounding depressing. Well first off Grandma and Grandpa arrived home safely from Brazil and have been absolutely wonderful to us, not one negative word about the condition of the house or the yard, we have been truly blessed. Second we have been blessed to have Luke visit again during track break, it has been fun although we really haven't had the time together that I would like to spend with him, maybe this week! Third on the 24th of March we had our pre-trail in regards to our custody battle with the girls and while some might say they thought this was over and behind us, unfortunately we were forced to settle at a pre-trail, the good news is the legal part has come to and end (no more Guardian at litem , no more court or lawyer fees) the bad news is the stipulations remain the same (paid supervision and thus Darin's rights still limited) but since we will not be seeing the girls anyway for awhile this reallly does not matter. Fourth we will not be moving anytime soon, because we feel at this time it is important to keep in place health insurance for the boys (since they will be losing their primary insurance April 6th) and with the economy changing jobs seems a bit of a risky bussiness, although we do know that we do need to move on and find new jobs eventually. All and all even though our lives at times seem a bit boring, we have been extremely blessed and find great job in our family!


Kerstin said...

That is a great analogy. I am also glad you blogged, it has been too long.

Shayla said...

Thanks for the update. And I'm pretty sure none of us think your life is boring! You always have so much going on. And even though some of those things are obvious trials, you always have such a positive attitude. I appreciate your example!

Cynthia said...

Glad to hear everything is going well! We are almost done with school, finally. We love you!!

kristi r said...

can you tell me (before Saturday the 11) how to throw the most awesome easter egg hunt? Like you always did? What is the ratio of eggs to kids, how many of those candy, prizes, etc? I would love if you would share!!!