Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt

This year a long time tradition and favorite of mine is not going to happen for the first time in about 23 years. As much as I would like to have my grandkids and others around to share this fun activity for me, living states apart and having no one who lives close enough to come, has made this decision at least for this year a reality. I have had many questions though, from participants of the past and I would love to share my ratio, techinque or whatever you would call it along with the history of my egg hunt with you. About 24 years ago our ward in California had an Easter Egg hunt for the kids in our ward, I was excited along with my two children at the time (Brent and Kerstin), unfortuneately to their dismass neither of them found a single egg at the activity and they were both heart broken, so I went home and decided that I would put on my own Easter Egg Hunt where no child would go home without filling their basket with eggs. The first hunt was realitive small only 5 children involved, my 2 children, my friends 2 children and a boy I babysat, it was a success and thus the Egg Hunt was started. I had a ratio of approximately 2 and a half dozen eggs per child. Usually I would hide plastic and hard boiled eggs and since eggs can be expensive I would have the children exchange their eggs for the prizes. The prizes almost always were quarters, dollars, candy and prizes or small toys. Every year I would assign different eggs different prizes, some years the hard boiled eggs would be the prizes or small toys, other years it might be a certain color of plastic egg, this is entirely up to the person holding the hunt. Generallly for me most of the eggs would be money, with candy and prizes being around the same amount (no one wants an overload of candy before Easter). Sometimes I would get my prizes at Oriental Trading, but most of the time I would watch at the store or go to the dollar store and find small fun items costing anywhere from a dime to a dollar for the prizes. As hard and confusing at times it was to do the prizes or small toys, this was one of the favorites of the egg hunt. I hope this post was helpful to some who have been asking and hopefully not to late in coming....Enjoy and happy hunting!


eBN said...

The little tiny eggs were always worth a dollar. I brought home quite a lot of bacon from those hunts. Purchased a couple of vid games with dem too.

Theresa said...

awesome! you're the best auntie! :) what a kind heart too and poor brenty and kerstin. I love your easter egg hunts. when I have my baby you should put one on next year or something and me and the baby will come hunt. :)

Kerstin said...

Some of my best memories are from those egg hunts. I remember taking that money an buying atichokes, I was a weird kid. I am going to do an egg hun this year for my kids, it definitly won't be as awesome as yours but I am excited.

Shayla said...

Yes, I've been hearing about your Easter Egg Hunts ever since Brent and I started dating. I'm sure he would love for me to carry on your tradition. And not so much for the boys either. Can you imagine how giddy Brent would be if I put something like this together? Unfortunately I don't think he'd be satisfied with quarters and dollar prizes anymore. And I can't afford to put hard drives and G-notes in there. So candy it is!