Thursday, February 25, 2010

Hair today gone tomorrow!

On Tuesday I decided that I really needed a haircut and so on my way home I stopped at Dollar Cuts, while I was there getting my hair cut for the first time in 8 months, my stylist Jennifer mentioned that my dying my own hair was really drying out the ends, so I asked her about how much it would cost to get it dyed there, she told me it would be $30 plus she had a $5 off coupon for me, this was awesome news since I can barely dye it myself for that much and last time I had it done in a salon it cost me $85. Well I made an appointment for today and took Darin with me, since it was so cheap for the dye job I decided I wanted highlights too, so I told Jennifer and she started the transformation, when she was done she blow dried it and straightened it and when it was all done all my sweet husband could say was it was beautiful, I don't think I have ever seen him this surprised or impressed with a hair color job(which he picked out by the way), and to think the whole thing only cost me $65. As many of you know when I first got married 3 1/2 years ago I quit dying my hair not only to prove a point (that I could be happy with myself no matter what), but also to try and get Darin to see that there is really a reason woman do these things for themselves and it is not just about being vain, so to hear him say that he loves my hair and to have him participate in the process means the world to me! I feel like I am on top of the world!


Kerstin said...

I love it!!! you look great!

Anonymous said...

I must admit, the way Lauri got her hair done makes her look young. Now, she is teasing me about going and getting my hair done so it will grow back in. I like my bald head with its sides of gray. I can't see myself any other way.

Earl and Vickie said...

You mean I could have dyed that moustache instead of cutting it off?

It looks great by the way.

The Watts said...

You cut your mustache off? did they put you in the bishopric or something?

Theresa said...

actually he has a temple calling now. ... go checkout his blog. :) your hair looks great! change your blogger profile pic to the new hairdo. :)

The Watts said...

actually I was trying to but it is difficult to add pictures from my phone