Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life and New Year's Resolutions!

It's been a long time since I have posted online and to be honest I haven't even been on much these last few months and it wasn't until yesterday when I was checking out my kids blogs to see if they had posted Christmas pictures of the Grandkids that I realized that I couldn't really get frusterated with them for not posting when I myself had not posted since the beginning of October. So one of my first resolutions this year is to trying be better about posting, especially since so many of the ones I love, live away from me and keeping up on each others lives can be difficult. Months ago before my life got REALLY hectic I had told Darin that I wanted a Wii Fit for Christmas, but by the time Christmas came around I was figuring with my hectic schedule it would probablly not be very practical. Much to my surprise (thanks to the in-laws giving each of us money for Christmas) I found a Wii Fit Plus under the tree, unfortuneately after a week and a half of having absolutely no time to even open it I was beginning to think it was a waste. Well on Tuesday I decided to take my new treasure to work with me on my swing shift and my manager and I had a blast checking it out, I took it again last night and to my utter excitment I had not only already lost weight, my BMI had gone down. After being told my real age was 66 on Tuesday I was thrilled to see after one day I had improved enough to be as fit as my actual age which is MUCH younger by the way! I have found myself craving water instead of soda and the workouts on this game are actually quite fun. For any of you wonder about this product I give it an A+, we will see after my time is up to reach the goal I set whether I still feel the same way!


Theresa said...

cool! I want to try a wii fit.

The Watts said...

You would love it......but would Jamie? You may not want to pull yourself away!

Theresa said...

she seemed to like mario and mario kart at grammy and Super Stud's this christmas. She stared at the monitor while Dan was playing. lol.

The Watts said...

She'd like it then....go for it...oops I guess it does cost money.....Grandpa, Grandma?

Theresa said...

yeah I told Dan we should save up and get a wii this year. :)

Kerstin said...

Mom good for you for losing some weight that is awesome!! I am glad to hear you like the Wii fit. Og and about the sewing thing, you could have made those dolls in your sleep and they would have turned out better then mine, you are silly.

Cynthia said...

That is great! Sounds like lots of fun! I'm really glad you are liking it! I need to get that! I gained 5 pounds over Christmas break!!!! And it's crazy how much of a difference 5 pounds makes!!!

Anonymous said...

Yah, that wii fit seems to do you well everyday, my sweet. To do it as often as you, I'd tire myself out. Of course, I guess that is the whole purpose of it. I say have at it, more power to you. I am glad you like it.